MS Smith
Michael and Stephanie Smith
Bob and Joyce Landis
Jonathan and Chrissa Edwards
Dean and Lori Loftus
Bill and Rebekah Summy
Jory and Marisa Petitti
Filip and Amy Le Roux
Dalmas and Flo Osoro
Michael and Stephanie Smith
Michael and Stephanie Smith serving with Biblical Ministries Worldwide
300 E Center Street, PO Box 279. Marysvale, UT 84750
Mike Smith grew up in a church planting pastor’s home and was saved at an early age. He majored in Carpentry and Construction, and graduated from Bob Jones University’s School of Applied Studies in 1993.
I Corinthians 7:7 says, “Every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. ” And I Timothy 4:14 says, “Neglect not the gift that is in thee.”
During college, God used these verses to encourage Mike to use his talents in ministry on the mission field.
He has been married to his wife, Stephanie, for 29 years. God has blessed them with five children: Rachel, Sarah (married to Colton Lingle), Bethany (married to TJ Lacock), Drew (married to Sarah Moore), and Katelyn, as well as two grandchildren, Josiah Lingle (2/26/2023) and Ember Lacock (6/5/2023).
For the past 25 years, they have partnered with Biblical Ministries Worldwide. Their name, Smith, states their purpose: Serving Missionaries Internationally Through Helps (SMITH).
God has called them to use their gifts, talents, and abilities to serve other missionaries, pastors, and ministries wherever they are located as a vessel for God’s work.
This is usually done in the area of helps, such as construction and physical ministry, as well as preaching, teaching Bible studies, counseling, leading music, and singing.
Over the years, God has allowed them to help churches get involved on the mission field by leading teams. Additionally, they have invited young people to live, travel, and work with them, in order to give them practical experience in ministry and service.
Now the Smiths are expanding their ministry again to reproduce and multiply more faithful servants of Jesus Christ.
They are currently in the process of starting Legacy Trade College, a school dedicated to teaching and equipping students to serve God by meeting the needs of the Church around the world using the gifts and talents that God has given them.