FA LeRoux

Filip and Amy Le Roux
Filip and Amy Le Roux


Filip and Amy Le Roux serve in Cape Town, South Africa at Hope in Christ Baptist Church, This church plant is located in a poorer area called Fisantekraal.
Hope in Christ serves several people groups and three different languages, Xhosa, Afrikaans, and English. They are working in this ministry with Jim and Terry Miller, American missionaries.


Hope in Christ Baptist Church has a Junior Church and an adult service on Sunday mornings. Tuesday night there is a Bible study and on Thursday night the church meets for a prayer meeting.
Saturday afternoon the youth (teens) meet for a time of games and teaching. During the week there are many discipleships happening to help new believers grow. Those interested in ministry are able to attend the CMI (Church Ministries Institute) classes on Sunday evening.


The Le Roux’s and Miller’s are also working with Cal and Sue Lewis, South African church planters.
The Lewis are working in two other church plants. These couples serve together as a missionary team.


Filip is South African and met Amy while she served as a single missionary. They were married October 17, 2015 and have one son, Zane, who was born April 29, 2019.


For more information